Vintage Stitchers

The Grapevine,Vintage Stitchers' newsletter is published every two months. In addition to news of the chapter, copyright-free charts are printed as well as humor and other material of interest to members.

Subscriptions: The subscription cost is included in chapter dues. Non-members may subscribe for $20.

Advertising: The Grapevine accepts commercial advertising. Advertising Rates: $5 per issue or $30 per year (6 issues) for business card size, for personal ads and advertising contract, please contact the editor.

Reprint Rights are given to other EGA chapters, provided the author and The Grapevine are credited and copies of the newsletter are sent both to the author and The Vintage Stitchers editor. Copyrighted material is plainly marked, and the holder must grant reprint permission in writing in advance.

Deadline for article submission is the 15th of the month prior to publication. E- mail submissions to the editor.